School Life
Welcome to the Parents' section of the website
Please note that you will need a username and password to access the Headteacher's newsletters; this information can be requested from school.
Parent Information
Parent Info provides expert, up-to-date content for parents and carers. The content is written by leading authorities on a wide range of topics including online safety, sex and relationships, health and wellbeing and family life. Each article aims to help parents develop their children's resilience against the risks they may face online or off. Please click here to visit their website.
Supporting your daughter's future
Online guidance is available from to support parents with helping their daughters' career planning.
In addition, the Government Equalities Office has produced a guide called 'Your daughter's future' to help parents to support their daughters' careers and educational choices. Please use the link at the bottom of this page to read this guidance and visit the Careers page.
Home Learning
To help you to support your daughter's progress in school, the home learning timetables for each year group are given below.
Grades and Targets
Targets are a reflection of a student's potential and are based on Key Stage 2 prior attainment. There is the opportunity to review the target grade during the year, but a target must never be moved down.
After every assessment point, the teacher will provide a predicted grade for each student in their subject. The predicted grade is based on the evidence from their current performance. Unlike their target grade, a predicted grade can change depending on the students’ performance on the current assessment.
There is an information evening each September to help parents to understand how we use grades and targets. However, if you have any questions about their daughter's grades and targets, please feel welcome to ask us.