Admissions - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Criteria?
1. Baptised Catholic Children who are looked after, previously looked after including those children who have been in state car outside of England.
2. Baptised Catholic girls who have provided a Certificate of Catholic Practice and who are siblings (those who have sisters attending the school at the time of admission).
3. Baptised Catholic girls who have provided a Certificate of Catholic Practice but who do not have a sibling in the school at the time of admission
4. Baptised Catholic girls who have not provided a Certificate of Catholic Practice and who are siblings (those who have sisters attending the school at the time of admission and are not covered by Criteria 1 to 3 above.)
5. Baptised Catholic girls who have provided a copy of the Baptismal Certificate but not a Certificate of Catholic Practice and do not have a sibling in school at the time of admission.
6. Non-Catholic girls who are looked after or previously looked after.
7. Non-Catholic girls who are siblings (those who have siblings attending the school at the time of admission)
8. Other Non-Catholic girls.
Do you have named feeder schools for St Paul's School for Girls?
We are the only all girls catholic school in Birmingham and do not have a catchment area. We take applications from across Birmingham, Sandwell, Solihull and Worcester Councils.
Do I need to provide any additional information to the school and if so by what date?
Yes, in addition to applying online with the Local Authority Preference Form, you will need to complex the school's Supplementary Information form (SIF) and provide a copy of your daughter's Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) along with a Certificate of Catholic Practice signed by the priest at the Church you attend (if applicable) by 31st October.
My daughter is not catholic, will she get in?
Anyone can apply to St Paul's School for Girls, however, catholic girls are given priority in line with our Admissions Arrangements.
When making the application to the Local Authority it asks for 6 choices, do I need to complete 6?
Yes, the Local Authority advises that you fill in all 6 places and put them in order of preference. If you only complete 1 place and are not offered this place you will be offered a school that has places available within the City.