Year 11
In Year 11 we continue to nurture in the girls the importance of their faith and have weekly input through daily prayers, Sacred Space and weekly assemblies. This is further enhanced through attendance at mass, especially on feast days and a Retreat Day.
In Year 11 PSHRE lessons there is a strong emphasis on careers education, enabling students to make informed choices and decisions about their options post 16. This is further supported by our Careers Advisor and all Year 11 have a 1-1 careers interview. There have been many opportunities to avail of online work experience. There is also much input on revision and study skills in preparation for GCSE exams. This is supported by ‘Elevate’ who present a session to the year group each term. Alongside this we embrace a variety of wellbeing activities and try to build on resilience and positivity with the students. Students examine issues to do with living in the wider world, including challenging offensive behaviours such as sexual harassment, social media and online safety. They also examine the topic of relationships and life-long partnerships.