Our curriculum is designed to engage and inspire; students study a variety of texts that cover a diverse range of topics and genres. We aim to foster students who are effective communicators, who have cultural capital, who possess an enquiring mind, who are open to reading for pleasure, who can understand the power of words and who can write effectively.
It is compulsory to study English at KS3 and KS4. At KS4 all students study and prepare for two English courses: GCSE English Language which they take at the end of Year 10 and GCSE English Literature which they take at the end of Year 11. At KS5 we offer two courses: A-Level Literature and A-level Language and Literature.
We aim to enrich the English experience with theatre trips, Dickens Day, enrichment days, poetry recitals, debates, drama and book clubs and public speaking competitions.
Books Matter
At St Paul's School for Girls we aim to promote independent and motivated learners and readers; we want to help our pupils to develop a love of reading and a passion for English in order to equip them with the necessary skills for later life. We believe that attainment and reading go hand in hand, and reading is an essential skill for all areas of the curriculum.
Literacy skills are essential for young people to reach their potential in school and allow them to fulfil opportunities throughout life. In England, 5.2 million adults are described as “functionally illiterate”, and it is now more important than ever to develop the literacy and reading skills of our young people.
We are striving to make a difference and there are many strategies that we have in place in order to raise attainment and the profile of reading in our school.
All pupils in years 7, 8 and 9 are expected to have a reading book with them at all times. During lessons each day (on a rotational basis) pupils, as well as teachers will “drop everything and read” for twenty minutes.
- Year 7 Curriculum
- Year 8 Curriculum
- Year 9 Curriculum
- Year 10 Curriculum
- Year 11 Curriculum
- Year 12 Curriculum
- Year 13 Curriculum