SPG at the Civic Dinner
Red carpet welcome!
Our current Global Youth Ambassador and two of our former Ambassadors for the Chicago Youth Summit got the chance to attend the civic dinner at the Council House for His Excellency Robert Wood Johnson the US Ambassador to the UK. The dinner celebrated our city's links with America in the past, present and future. Our Youth Ambassadors also attended the premier of the film "6Triple8" which tells the story of the US Army's 6888th Battalion that was stationed in Birmingham during World War Two. It was the only all-women, all-African-American unit operating in WWII, they sorted a back log of mail, shifting some 624,000 letters and parcels a month, most of which were addressed by name (often only a first name) without any indication of unit. Their vital work improving troop morale and keeping them contact with their families continued when they moved to Rouen and Paris in France later in the war. They have an amazing and unique history we are proud to be a part of in Birmingham; we hope that the dedication of these women will be inspiring to our own girls.
Many thanks to our Lord Mayor Yvonne Mosquito for inviting the girls to attend and to the US Ambassador for taking the time to meet with them.