Excellence for Money Management
As you will be aware, at St Paul’s School for Girls, we are a centre for excellence for Money Management, in fact, we are the only school in the city to be awarded this accolade! We decided to share our expertise with some of our local Caritas Christi Primary Schools and so, we visited the Oratory Primary School and St Patrick’s. During our visit we talked to the pupils about the difference between “need” and “want”. We looked at the importance of saving and how every penny adds up, a message which was reinforced through a song shared in one school. The delivery of Primary Financial education was undertaken by the Guardian Angels who read stories to the children and played a variety of games which provided the opportunity to think about and discuss money. As in all areas of life some children had a good awareness of the subject and others had very little. We were very heartened to hear that the Tooth Fairy still exists as this Fairy was identified as one of the main sources from which children get money. Oh, the joy of being a Year 2 child! We have chosen to share some pictures with you and have been given permission to do so by the Head Teachers at both Primary Schools.